Detect delay on milestone months ahead
Context: A highly technical construction project of more than 300 million Euros (several subcontractors involved).
One of the major milestones was delayed several times. The executive team and the support team were only made aware too late of certain highly impacting problems on that milestone; no solution was possible at that stage. was hired to detect since when the problems could have been detected to enable senior management and support team to proactively assist the project team.
Following the automatic analysis of the project documentation, the first high concentrations of mentions of #Delays, #quality, #IntermediateTestCancelled went back more than 6 months before the formal alert. Would the signals been caught at that time, the support team could have offered options like: formal notifications to client, negotiations about shared responsability with the client; etc.
In addition, after reviewing the documentation and the existing noise in the data, we were able to provide the team with short and long-term solutions to better consolidate their project data.
It was realized that a gradual shift to a more data-driven, preventative and capitalized system will be essential to stay one step ahead in the years to come while avoiding sudden disruptions.
“The value of this collaboration goes way beyond documenting claims, or even detecting early warnings. The true value is to understand where the technology is bringing large scale projects and having the time to be prepared.”